Wilhelm Scholê Global Publications, DVDs, Music and More



What people are saying about "Education: The Healing Art:"

Education: The Healing Art describes an educational philosophy that, if it could become universally adopted, would change the world.

Robert W. Young

Renowned American Linguist

Professor Emeritus of Linguistics, The University of New Mexico


... an education philosophy that, if it could become universally adopted, would change the world.

Dr. Robert W. Young, Dept. of Linguistics, The University of New Mexico,

and Co-Author of "The Navajo Language, A Grammar and Colloquial Dictionary


... provides a working example of a system that is working and much broader than so many of the narrow approaches to education.

Dr. John Summers, National Science Teachers Association


... contains very useful material which we intend using with our students here.

Dr. Jagdish Gundara, Director, Institute of Education,

Centre for Intercultural Education, University of London


... will be one of the most valued items in my collection of scholarly publications... The book will serve as a reminder ... of the lasting contributions the Scholê has made to American education through its approach and philosophy.

Dr. William E. Kirwan, President, University of Maryland at College Park


For a $60.00 contribution to Wilhelm Scholê International, you will receive EDUCATION: THE HEALING ART as our gift.



HAIKU POETRY: a children's collection; Paideia Press

A New York Times Best Seller:  


Haiku is not sophisticated, pedantic, contrived or obscure. Haiku is intuitive - not intellectual. It is poetry that breathes a kind of freshness and fragrance like that of spring flowers. In its simplicity Haiku suggests much by saying little and is full of that wisdom which is to be found in the hearts of little children. This book of poetry written and illustrated by Wilhelm students 4 to 8 years of age is tangible evidence of the enlargement of their world.



Click here to read the review of Haiku Poetry: a children's collection by Doubleday



For a $20.00 contribution to Wilhelm Scholê International, you will receive HAIKU POETRY: a children's collection as our gift.



HEAVEN'S MIRROR, The Magic and Mystery of Words; Paideia Press
Including Poems and Paintings by Pupils of Wilhelm Scholê International
Heaven's Mirror is the first book in the three-set series. Heaven's Mirror can change your view of the world and its history. Learn to see our global intellectual and spiritual heritage through Language.  As you venture through various stages of our global intellectual and spiritual heritage through Language you will come to see philosophical perspectives across time and cultures.  Heaven's Mirror reflects First Principles, those basic truths that have stood the test of Time and have been expressed in every age and in every culture and in every Language.  In the process education becomes Tradition: the transmission of Wisdom we all hold in Common, unifying our diverse global civilization.



For a $25.00 contribution to Wilhelm Scholê International, you will receive HEAVEN'S MIRROR, The Magic and Mystery of Words as our gift.



RETURNING TO OUR ROOTS, The Magic and Mystery of Words;

Paideia Press
Returning To Our Roots is the second book in the three-set series. Returning To Our Roots demonstrates how the Wilhelm Cosmopolitan interdisciplinary, intercultural, interlingual, interfaith Curriculum weaves the arts, the sciences, and the humanities together and relates them to Universal Timeless Principles. Thus the physical and the spiritual, the scientific and the philosophic, constantly interweave enhancing the ability to discern without separating. In this manner the pupils are oriented to First Principles, those basic truths that have stood the test of Time, and have been expressed in every age and in every culture and in every language. In the process education becomes Tradition: the transmission of Wisdom we all hold in common.



For a $25.00 contribution to Wilhelm Scholê International, you will receive RETURNING TO OUR ROOTS, The Magic and Mystery of Words as our gift.



REVERSING THE TOWER OF BABEL, The Magic and Mystery of Words; Paideia Press
Reversing The Tower Of Babel is the final book in the three-set series. Dramatic breakthroughs in brain research indicate that the brain only reaches its full potential capacity by the functional cooperation of the right and left hemispheres. What are the important implications of this insight for the understanding of higher cognitive functions? What are the practical applications of this discovery in education? Why and how does an interdisciplinary, intercultural, interlingual approach to education give the two hemispheres the opportunity to fully develop their inherent faculties? Why and how does this approach meet the needs not only of the gifted individual, but also of those of special needs? Why and how does this approach meet the need for new educational methods that harmonize current scientific progress and the great cultural Traditions? Why and how does the mutually enriching exchange between language, science, the arts, the humanities, and the different work Traditions lead to the development of global renaissance human beings?

Reversing The Tower of Babel probes these fascinating and challenging questions by presenting examples of the Wilhelm Cosmopolitan Curriculum, which entails a complete intertwinement of Language, Science, the Arts, and the Humanities.



For a $25.00 contribution to Wilhelm Scholê International, you will receive REVERSING THE TOWER OF BABEL, The Magic and Mystery of Words as our gift.


The Three Book Set
Get all three books in The Magic and Mystery of Words series at one time! For a single contribution of $60.00 to Wilhelm Scholê International, you will receive as our gift, the complete series of books written by Marilyn Wilhelm, subtitled The Magic and Mystery of Words:





For a $60.00 contribution to Wilhelm Scholê International, you will receive
All Three Books; HEAVEN'S MIRROR, RETURNING TO OUR ROOTS, and REVERSING THE TOWER OF BABEL, in The Magic and Mystery of Words series as our gift.




Wilhelm Scholê International is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions made to Wilhelm Scholê International may be deductible to the extent allowed by law.